2nd April 1980 was a historic date in my life. Today, i decided to leave all my freedom life as a ordinary person into the new world called 'military life'.
Prior to that, lets me tell you why i decided to join the military? I was really frustrated when i failed my Architecture study in UTM. It took nearly six month (hanging around in KL) before i dare to go back home to face my family. I was hanging in KL doing nothing in my rental house in Jalan Bukit Keramat 4 (with my ex-coursemates). End up with pocket getting dried up, i got no choice, go back to my kampong. Back to 'kebun getah, kelapa sawit and kopi' helping my parent. How long i will be like this? SPM 1st grader hanging around in kampong!. My mind was spiraling to get a solutions. To further study ?(next choice will be ITM). I don't want to cause more trouble to my father (to support me). To work? Who want to employ 1st grader? The potential employer would know that I only look for temporary job. When i was in KL, I applied for 'JKR draughtman' and 'kerani syarikat bas ekspress' but after interview, i didnt get the answer.
Quietly i applied for Officer Cadet training (for the second time). I went to interview at JB Garrison (Majidee Camp) and i was very fortunate, I passed all the physical and theoritical test. I also passed through the No 2 and No 3 Board interview successfully. Just waiting for the offer letter. I also succeeding my aero-medical test in IPP,KL Base.
who are in the photo?... from left; Lokman Abd Rahman, Syed Ahmad, Lokman Abdullah, me and Raveenthran
Finally, I received the offer letter from MINDEF together with train 'travel warrant' from Kluang to Seremban. I left my kampong on to Kluang railway station. I couldnt remember who sent me off that day but my mother was there. After shake and kiss her hand, I did not see her any more. I did not dare, coz it will make me cry. After the train moved forward then I could feel my tears flowing down. No turning back. I had decided my way of life, something that was not in my parents' mind. Eventhough last 4 years, Amir (my cousin) had also made his way into the military life, but not me. Poor boy. I couldn't imagine, what was in their mind.
In the train I met Kamarulzaman and Lokman (both attended the interview with me at JB). I also met Yohanez and Marmilah (ladies cadet candidate- both from Segamat) for the first time.
We arrived Seremban and convoyed to Kem Sebatang Kara, Port Dickson (by 3 tonner or truck). Along the way, actually I was blank, still in dilemma, either I my decision to come here was right ot wrong?

Familiarization and Orientation
Third day. That morning we were directed to gather inside the hall. Wearing PD Green with drill boots. Every body was given a last chance (3 time offer) if any body willing to withdraw before the 'sumpah perwira' taking place. After taking an oath...and printed our 10 fingers.... our life as a soldier began. First we were introduced with a line PTIs. The 'salam perkenalan 'to the Seginting Camp stated with running around the accomodation blocks. Not only running, we had to duck walk and frog jump. All the cadets were forced to run climb the hillside and slide roll down. Two cadets (Shaharudin and Lim were killed due to serious injuries) and many more suffered serious injuries but survived. Some of them were admitted in the hospital for more than 3 weeks. One of them is now Brig Jen Dato' Kamalruzaman TUDM.

Initially, after the registration day, the whole intake of cadets (about 260) were put in one 'Cadet Batallion' located in Kem Seginting, Port Dickson. The main reason was, at that time or seniors (Intake 36) which supposed to be commissioned in January/Feb 1980 was extended another 3 months (due to their failure in the final exercise). They occupied the dedicated SPK Camp in Kem Sebatang Kara. Their commissioning parade was postponed to May 1980.
After the TJP36 commissioning day, TJP37 was divided into 3 battalions, Tuah battalion moved up to Kem Sebatang Karah and Jebat and Kasturi Battalion occupied in Kem Seginting.
Note: The photo was taken on the parade square. If you can see the white staicase (photo background). There are 64 stairs from the ground level (parade square) to reach the football field up there. During the orientation day (led by the PTI), all the cadets were forced to run climb the hillside and slide roll down. Two cadets (Shaharudin and Lim Cheng Wah were killed due to serious injuries) and many more suffered serious injuries but survived.
Mej Fathulzaman bin Bukhari (CO) - retired Lt Col,
Kapt Salahuddin (2 i/c)
Kapt Fazlur Rahman (now Brig Jen Dato'- Army Asst Chief- Reserve)
Kapt Wong Ah Tai (OC B Coy)- retired Major
Kapt Sunny Mathews (OC C Coy)- retired Major
PW2 Mohd Som Salleh (Batt Sgt Major)
In OCS (SPK) we learnt the following subjects:
- Drill (Kawat)-Kawat kaki, kawat senjata dan kawat pedang.
- Physical Training (PT) incl long march and obstacles.
- Ilmu Medan Perang (inc Ikhtiar Hidup) or 'IMP'.
- Senjata (handling and firing) SLR, M16, Pistol, GPMG, Carl Gustav and Mortar.
- Map Reading.
- Administration.
- Staff Duties.
- Signal and Radio Communication.
- General Service Knowledge.
- Military Leadership and Etiquette.
- Exercise (Escape & Evasion and Ex-Wira Jaya )
A Foot Drill is an essential part of the military training regiment of today's Armed Forces. "Foot Drill" or "Drill" stems from the seventeenth century, when soldiers used to march into battle, where they would be expected to gather in a formation, and react to words of command from their commanders once the battle commenced; for example, "Fix Bayonets", which is still used today, albeit not on the battle field, but to provide a spectacle at military events and parades. Much of the drill done today is either ceremonial, or implemented as a core part of training in the Armed Forces. Military discipline is enhanced by drill, as it requires instant obedience to commands.
Most of the commands in modern drill are separated into two distinct parts; the Preparatory Command, and the Command of Execution. The preparatory command indicates to the person performing the movement that a command of execution is soon to follow. The command of execution indicates the movement to be performed. An example of this is the command "Present ARMS", which is utilized to command a group of soldiers to render salute. In this command, the word "Present" is the preparatory command, whereas the following word, "ARMS" is the command of execution. The movement is performed immediately upon reception of the execution command.
When issuing the command, vocal inflection is varied so that the preparatory command is given less emphasis, and the most emphasis is placed on the command of execution. There is usually a slight hesitation between each element of the command, about the duration of a finger snap. Other examples of the two-part command structure are:
- Bariiiiiiisss.....SEDIA" ... to make it sharp normally the parade commander pronounced it as "Barissss.....SEDIAP".
- Senanggggg....DIRI" become "Senannnnnnnng DIRIP".
- Rusukkkkkkkk....SENJATA" become, "Rusuuuuuuuk... SENJATAP".
- Ke Kanannnnnn.................. PUSING".
Drill movements.

Shooting or firing was interesting but learning about the weapon was sleepring! In SPK (OCS) you have to learn variosu type of weapon, among them were Colt M-16, SLR, GPMG, pistol (browning), Carl Gustav, grenade and Mortar. We learned the detail parts of the weapon, how to dismantle/disassemble and how to reassemble them. The formula was "first out first in". So, you must arrange the parts in order (on the poncho) accordingly. So, later will be easy for you to pick based on 'first out'.
Weapon class was boredom. Not in the classroom but 'squad hut' (pondok). Normally the wood bench was short and could not accommodate the whole group (squad). The rest have to standing around the instructor (a Sergeant). Those who sat on the bench would be the first who fell into sleep (because they were so comfortable. And, the worst part was, those who were 'standing' were also caught for sleeping. End up the whole squad were punished. Normally 20 press up or run around the 'squad hut' or 'slapping' each other.
The shooting (practical) was interesting. First not because we all like shooting but that day will be no PT, no drills and no classroom. The whole jin-beng had to go to riffle range. From early morning to late evening. Rations were also carried to the range. Another interesting part was, while waiting for the details (we have two jobs; in the 'firing detail' and 'target party'). Other than that groups will be sleeping under the tree.
- Loyalty.
- Duty.
- Respect.
- Selfless Service.
- Honour.
- Integrity.
- Personal Courage
Among the commanders and instructors who I could still remember were:
- Maj Mohamad bin Ibrahim (retired Lt Col)- deceased - CO Tuah Bn.
- Maj Hon Mun Long (retired Brig Gen, Dato')- CO Jebat Bn.
- Mej Hashim bin Puteh (retired Lt Col).
- Mej Mohammad Sultan (died in 2009).
- Kapt Che Hasni bin Ahmad (rtd Mej Jen Dato'- Commander of Army Training Command).
- Kapt Abd Aziz (retired Lt Col).
- Kapt Md Shah Harun (2i/c Jebat) - retired Maj (once was my neighbour in OMQ Block 4501, Lorong Golok, Kem KEMENTAH).
- Kapt Hamzah Ahmad (Armour) - School's Adjutant.
- Kapt Nazaruddin (Armour).
- Kapt Amiruddin (RMR).
- Kapt Rahmat (Arty).
- Kapt Hamid (Arty).
- Kapt Kamarudin (RMR)
- Kapt Rosli (RMR).
- Kapt Dahari Hussein (RMR)- (retired in 2010 as Mej Jen Dato'- Director of Army Intelligence).
- Kapt Mohamad Bidin (Ord).
- Kapt Affendy (EME) - (now Brig Jen Dato'- Asst COS Defence Logistic, MAF HQ).
- Kapt Jalilul Mahali (Rgr).
- Kapt Kamarul (Armour).
- Kapt Lim Eng Tai (Signal) - retired Lt Kol.
- Kapt Fauzi (RMAF).
- Kapt Erwin Ratnasingam (RMAF).
- Lt Adri Juhan bin Abdullah (RMN).
- Lt Norhuda Ahmad (TA) - now Kolonel in Intelligence Corps
Overseas Cadet School
Towards the end of the training, some of our comrades were selected for overseas Cadet Schools, among them were Ahmad Hasbullah and Isha (going to Portsea, Australia) and Tahir (Sandhurst)
The 9 month training was crushed and intensive. So, not much time space for games or sport. But, to maintain the morale, espirit d'corps and create competitive environment between the 3 battalions, the school organized were games competition. Only football and volleyball. I was in Kasturi volleyball team.... but as a subtitute player.
RM400/month. However,every month after all the deductions (uniforms, mess bills ect), only left about RM100-150 in our pocket.

(in uniform is Kapt Jalilul Mahali)

Me and Saib (in track-suit) with our junior (TJP38) Cadet Officer Mohd Nor Bon (my buddy-buddy)- Saib retired as Major (chopper pilot) and Md Noor (Bond) retired as Capt and changed his career into more glamorous life, ie to be a businessman cum drama actor.
Stdg from left, PK Zamanhuri (deceased), PK Nazli (Lt Kol), PK Shahrin (rtd), PK Shamsudin (Lt Kol), PK Salim K (Lt Kol), PK Tahir (rtd Maj), PK Azman Daud (Lt Kol), PK Nazri (Lt Kol), PK Fuad (rtd Kapt)
Sqtg from left; PK Hamdan (rtd), PK Sazali Rauf (Maj), PK Hussein Md Tahir (deceased), me and PKU Razak Mat (Lt Kol)

Kesah Lucu (Funny memories)
Ladies Cadet

Air Force Cadets
Until date (Sep 2010), means 29 years after our commissioning date, majority of the the TJP37 Cadet Intake achieved the rank of Lt Col or equivalent. Some still holding Major. Leading the high achievers of TJP37 is Pegawai Kedet Ahmad Hasbullah bin Hj Mohd Nawawi. He is now (Dec 2009) Lieutenant General, commanding the Army Field Command. The following are those who achieved above Lt Col:
- Lt Jen Dato' Seri Ahmad Hasbullah bin Mohd Nawawi SPTS DCSM DSAP DPMS DPMK- RAMD (Jebat) - Portsea - Panglima Medan TD, Sg Besi (with 5 Datukship)
- Brig Jen Dato' Abd Halim bin Jalal DPKK - RAMD (Kasturi)- LPK (attending course in Australia)
- Brig Jen Mohd Zamrose bin Mohd Zain -RAMD (Jebat) - Panglima 4 Briged Mekanis, Kuantan
- Brig Jen Dato' Kamarulzaman bin Mohd Othman DIMP TUDM (Jebat).
- Brig Jen Azlan bin Abd Rahman RAMD (Tuah).
- Kol Abd Malek bin Ali -RAMD (Tuah)- Komandan Kolej Tentera Udara, Kem Ulu Tiram, Johor.
- Kol Sanusi bin Samion TUDM (Kasturi) - Pengarah Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, Markas UDM
- Kol Muhammad Suhaimi bin Ashaari TUDM (Kasturi)- Pengarah PUSPEKA, PU Subang.
- Kol Hj Hasaza bin Hanafiah TUDM (Kasturi)- Ketua Staf Sistem, Markas Logistik Udara.
- Kol Hj Romlee bin Yahaya TUDM (Jebat)- Pegawai Memerintah No 2 Skn, PU Subang.
- Kol Toharudin bin Abd Rasid TUDM (Kasturi)- Ketua Staf Khidmat, Markas Logistik Udara
- Kol Abd Halim bin Idris- Risik BSPP
- Kol Felix Gonsalves TUDM (Tuah) - Pengarah Air Warfare Centre.
Military Daze
- BLOODY FOOL - bodoh
- BLOODY HELL - celak!
- BASTARD - tak guna
- FUCK YOU - kepala hotak kamu
- FUCK UP - failure
- FUCKER - someone who pisses you off
- COCK UP - failure, mess or mistake
- COCK STAND - immense pleasure
- BULL SHIT - penipu! jangan nak kelentong aku!
- FUCK YOUR ASS HOLE - bodoh sangat laaa, ketuk kepala engkau sendiri laaa)
- FUCK ALL - buat tak tau, buat bodoh
- FUCK OFF - leave me alone, get out off here
- FUCKING SHIT - siallllll, aku give up....
- YOU FUCKERs - kau orang semua...
- SON OF BITCH - someone being arrogant, rude, obnoxious, or just a total dickhead
- TALK COCK - talking nonsense
- MUNTAH KE DARAH - 'makan', more accurate 'you eat until you forget, ignore or delay your job'.
- PK Shaharudin (cadet training) - 1980
- PK x (Chinese guy) (cadet training)- 1980
- Lt M Zamanhuri bin Alang Ahmad -RAMD (in unit physical training -Ipoh)- 1981
- Lt M Bala Chandra a/l Loganathan -RRD (in unit training at PULADA) -1981
- .......Mohd Khairi bin Othman (no facts)
- Lt M Haldin bin Sudin TUDM (road accident at Kluang)- 1982
- Lt M Hisham bin Ahmad TUDM (road accident at Kuantan)- 1986
- .......Abd Halim Sudin- RAMD (no facts)
- Lt M Badrul Hisham TUDM (capsized and drowned -P.Dickson) - 1983
- Mej Kamarudin bin Ibrahim TUDM (aircraft crashed) - 1994
- Kapt (B) Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad-JLJ (heart attack)- 2008
- Mej Zainudin Abd Ghani - RGK (heart attack) - 2009untuk almarhum rakan-rakan yang beragama islam, marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan fatihah semoga mereka mendapat keampunan dari Allah Taala.

Pic in 2009- THREE IN ONE (TJP 37) : from left Lt Col Abdul Razak Hussein (RAR), Lt Gen Ahmad Hasbullah A. Nawawi (RMR) and Mej Mohd Ariffin Saimon (RMR).
Razak is our President of S37 Association.
- 3001401 PK Abd Rahim bin Mohamed -
- 3001404 PK Ahmad Hasbullah bin Hj Mohd Nawawi - (now Lt Jen Dato Seri)
- 3001407 PK Azlan bin Abdul Rahman - (now Brig Jen)
- 3001425 PK Asran bin Borhan -left Kapt
- 3001452 PK Din bin Ali - retired - left Kapt
- 3001456 PK Firuz Ahmad bin Abd Wahab -
- 3001474 PK Jamaludin bin A. Ghani - left Kapt
- 3001478 PK Ku Ahmad Khir bin Ku Abdullah -
- 3001500 PK Mohamad Fadzil bin Ibrahim
- 3001508 PK Mohd Saiful bin Abd Rashid -
- 3001510 PK Abdul Malik bin Ali - now Kol
- 3001556 PK Salihuddin bin Daud - Mej
- 3001439 PK Ahmad Ghazali bin Putih - now Lt Kol
- 704862 PK Ishak bin Hashim (ex-RMAF LAC) - Mej
- 3001777 PK Zamrose bin Mohd Zain - (now Brig Jen)
- 3001462 PK Hasnol bin Abdullah
- 3001461 PK Harizan bin Ahmad
- 3001774 PK Roslan bin Md Kadak @ Hj Sharif - now Lt Kol
- 3001492 PK Mohd Ishak bin Mat Isa
- 3001544 PK Shafri bin Mohamad - left Kapt
- 3001550 PK Sharifuddin bin Tajuddin
- 3001612 PK Aminudin bin Abdul Samad - left Mej
- 3001490 PK Mohd Ariffin bin Saimun - now Lt Kol
- 3001543 PK Shohemi bin Hashim - Mej
- 3001493 PK Mohd Rosli bin Yassin
- 3001449 PK Che Ruzian bin Yassin
- 3001453 PK Fadzil bin Abdullah
- 3001510 PK Mohd Hairudin bin Mukri- now Mej
- 3001408 PK Azmi bin Ismail
- 3001522 PK Mohd Sahar bin Said -Mej
- 3001460 PK Hamzah bin Hassan -Mej
- 3001785 PK Khadari bin Yaacob
- 3001787 PK Mahadzir bin Hashim - left Kapt
- 3001421 PK Azlan bin Abd Aziz - now Lt Kol (tauliah TJP 38)
- 3001551 PK Syed Khobibun bin Syed Ngah
- 210353 PK Mohamad Isa bin Hassan (ex-MP Corporal)
- 3001511 PK Mohamad Jamil bin Alang Abd Aziz
- 3001528 PK Nor Azmi bin Abd Karim
- 3001532 PK Pazil bin Mat - Mej
- 3001523 PK Mazlan bin Yusof
- 3001501 PK Mohd Anwar bin Mohd Yusooff - Mej
- 3001567 PK Zamani bin Johar - left Mej
- 3001608 PK Abdul Halim bin Sudin - deceased
- 3001479 PK Khairuddin bin Abd Wahid - left Kapt
- 3001562 PK Yusof bin Saidi
- 3001497 PK Mohd Shafie bin Mohd Arshad - now Mej
- 3001554 PK Shamsuddin bin Sulaiman - now Lt Kol
- 3001451 PK Che Harun bin Mat Hashim
- 3001412 PK Azmi bin A Hamid - retired Mej
- 3001547 PK Saifulbahari bin Abdullah - now Mej
- 3001526 PK Nazri bin Alias -now Lt Kol
- 3001610 PK Adi Mazlin bin Marmuji -
- 3001503 PK Mohamad Yatim bin Mohamad Noor - now Lt Kol
- 3001611 PK Ahmad Azan bin Ridzuan - now Mej
- 3001512 PK Hanafiah bin Mohd Ramli
- 530276 PK Mohd Zaki bin Ismail
- 3001764 PK Mazhar bin Palil - left Mej
- 3001414 PK Abd Halim bin Jalal - (now Brig Jen Dato')
- 3001553 PK Syed Hussein bin Syed Ibrahim - left Kapt
- 3001438 PK Ahmad Nadzari bin Md Isa - now Lt Kol
- 3001509 PK Mohd Zaman Huri bin Alang Ahmad - deceased
- 3001494 PK Mohd Hanifah bin Hussain
- 3001437 PK Ahmad Kamal bin Hassan
- 3001706 PK Muhammad bin Mansor
- 3001794 PK Mohd Khairi bin Othman - deceased
- 3001444 PK Bala Chandra a/l Rengasamy - deceased
- 3001455 PK Frizan Ali bin Safi Mohamad -left Mej
- 3001473 PK John anak Gila
- 3001613 PK Azhar bin Abas
- 3001469 PK Ishak bin Haji Johar - now Lt Kol
- 3001440 PK Abu Hanifah bin Abdul Rahman
- 3001773 PK Peter Cheong Pek Hock @ Mohd Nasir bin Abdullah - left Mej
- 3001533 PK Quah Boon Hock @ Mohd Firdaus Quah bin Abdullah - now Lt Kol - first time I met him (after commissioned) at Ipoh (he and me attended 'Pramuda' passing out parade at ILTU Ipoh).
- 3001560 PK Vasuthevan a/l Loganathan
- 3001480 PK Khairul Anuar bin Ismail - left Kapt (met him at ITM Shah Alam in 1987, the second one, during reunion Majlis Buka Puasa at CT One Forze, Aug 2010)
- 3001616 PK Hamdan bin Abdullah -left Kapt (1992).
- 3001549 PK Salim bin Konek - now Lt Kol
- 3001464 PK Harbahajan Singh a/l Tejah Singh
- 3001466 PK Holilulshukri bin Md Jais - left Kapt
- 3001559 PK Vijaya Seharan a/l Narayanan
- 3001465 PK Hamdan bin Othman - left Kapt
- 3001471 PK Juan Chow Huat @ Johan bin Abdullah - now Mej
- 3001565 PK Zainudin bin Abd Hamid
- 3001539 PK Raphael Tan @ Tan Cher San
- 3001535 PK Rosli bin Abd Razak
- 3001450 PK Chuan Chin Aun
- 502486 PK D Swami Gwekanandan al David (Ex Corporal)
- 3001542 PK Roslan bin Abd Hamid
- 3001417 PK Amran bin Baharom
- 300xxxx PK Kamaruzzaman bin Abd Aziz - now Lt Kol
- 300xxxx PK Azlan bin Abd Aziz - now Lt Kol
- 3001411 PK Ajhman bin Haji Bakur - now Lt Kol
- 3001504 PK Mazlan bin Shamsuddin
- 3001563 PK Zainal bin Rashid
- 3001418 PK Azmi bin Mohd
- 3001405 PK Lee Man Tat
- 3001483 PK Kamaluddin bin Mohamad
- 3001448 PK Che Jamal Bin Othman Shah
- 3001502 PK Mohd Tahar bin Abd Razak - Lt Kol
- 3001454 PK Fildauz bin Harun
- 3001457 PK Ganesan a/l Jaganathan - now Lt Kol
- 3001403 PK Ahmad Nasir bin Abdul Majid
- 3001415 PK Abd Mubin bin Othman
- 3001416 PK Abdul Razak bin Hussin - now Lt Kol
- 3001568 PK Zuraimi bin Mohamad
- 3001769 PK Mohd Razif bin Atan (Best cadet- Overall)
- 3001434 PK Abd Jamil bin Mohd Isa
- 3001475 PK Jasni bin Mohd Noor - Mej
- 3001482 PK Khalid bin Ismail
- 3001499 PK Manisegaran a/l S. Vadivel (left and joined PDRM)
- 3001545 PK See Kum Chong
- 3001615 PK Buhari bin Abd Ghani
- 3001540 PK Roslan bin Md Ali
- 3001467 PK Hamzah bin Hashim
- 704254 PK Mat Isa bin Singah (ex-RMAF LAC)
- 3001784 PK Ab Azih bin Ab Ghani - left Kapt
- 3001703 PK Kamaruzzaman bin Mohamad
- 3001409 PK Adnan bin Hashim - left Mej
- 3001485 PK Mohd Nordin bin T.P Kunjipathy - now Lt Kol
- 3001443 PK Badrul Hisham bin Suda - now Lt Kol
- 3001419 PK Abd Rahman bin Tarmiji - now Mej
- 3001793 PK Abdillah bin Awang - now Lt Kol
- 3001529 PK Nazlan bin Dato' Abdul 'As - left Mej
- 3001530 PK Nik Abd Rahman Fathil bin Dato' Nik Mustapa - left Mej
- 3001427 PK Abdul Halim bin Idris (later changed to Risik)
- 3001507 PK Majdi bin Kamaruddin - Lt Kol
- 3001768 PK Mohd Noor bin Othman
- 3001524 PK Mahazir bin Ibrahim
- 3001561 PK Yousof bin Ibrahim
- 3001515 PK Mat Hashim bin Muhmad
- 3001765 PK Mohd Azahri bin Zainal
- 3001778 PK Zulkarnain bin Abu Bakar - Lt Kol
- 3001517 PK Mohamad Norzuki binMohd Yusof
- 3001458 PK Goh Choon Peng
- 3001463 PK Hussin bin Haji Mohd Tahir - deceased
- 3001558 PK Tajry bin Jonid
- 3001552 PK Saad bin Jaimun
- 3001538 PK Robert Foo Yap Sia
- 3001491 PK Mohd bin Diwi
- 3001521 PK Mohamad bin Hamzah
- 3001557 PK Syed Azhar bin Syed Abu Bakar -Mej
- 3001566 PK Zainudin bin Abdul Ghani -deceased (Mej)
- 3001519 PK Mohd Azam bin Mohamad
- 3001780 PK Mohd Idrus bin Musa -
- 3001481 PK Khairul Anuar bin Yaacob - Lt Kol
- 3001495 PK Mohd Shariff bin Yahya
- 3001548 PK Sazali bin Abdul Rauf - Mej
- 3001772 PK Norzahari bin Zeelan
- 3001484 PK Lokman bin Abdullah
- 3001488 PK Mohd Azman bin Ali
- 3001413 PK Affendi bin Hj Yahya
- 3001486 PK Mohd Azman bin Mohd Anuar
- 3001771 PK Mustapa bin Ahmad
- 3001472 PK Jaafar bin Marlan - now Kol
- 211006 PK Mohd Razi bin Yasin
- 3001520 PK Mohamed Shah bin Abd Rahman - Lt Kol
- 3001570 PK Zakaria bin Mohamed
- 3001423 PK Abd Rahman bin Hashim
- 502404 PK Kamar bin Manja
- 3001505 PK Mardzuki bin Abd Shukor
- 3001704 PK Lod bin Atan - Lt Kol
- 3001767 PK Mohd Jaudin bin Mat Saad
- 3001431 PK Abd Razak bin Siran - Mej
- 3001525 PK Mohd Aziz bin Hamid
- 3001428 PK Ahmad Nordin bin Husain
- 3001614 PK Azman bin Daud - Lt Kol
- 3001775 PK Shahrin bin Osman -left
- 3001426 PK Ahmad Suhaimi bin Mohd Hashim
- 3001441 PK Abdul Ghafar bin Hj Ibrahim
- 807642 PK Jabar bin Ahmad
- 3001432 PK Abd Razak bin Abd Majid -joined TUDM- left Mej
- 3001477 PK Khalid bin Hamid
- 3001459 PK Hamdan bin Abd Rahim -left Mej
- 30015xx PK Mohd Roslan bin Shaari - now Lt Kol
- 3001792 PK Jaafar bin Pangat
- 3001786 PK Abu Zahrem bin Che Daud
- 3001782 PK Kamaruddin bin Ibrahim
- 3001564 PK Zulkhurnain bin Ahmad - Lt Kol
- 3001516 PK Mahmad Bokkhari bin Mohamad
- 3001555 PK Subramaniam a/l Vengadasalam
- 3001788 PK Mohd Suhaimi bin Saat
- 3001789 PK Ahmad bin Ismail - now Lt Kol
- 3001569 PK Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad - deceased
- 3001609 PK Abd Rahim bin Mohamad -left Mej
- 3001781 PK Mohd Husin bin Abdullah
- 3001790 PK Mohd Yusof bin Awang
- 3001489 PK Mohd Fanashim Benson bin Hashim - Lt Kol
- 3001487 PK Mohd Nasir bin Sulaiman - left Mej
- 371237 PK U Kamaruzaman bin Wagiman (left Kapt)
- 371236 PK U Kamalruzaman bin Mohd Othman (now Brig Jen Dato')
- 371219 PK U Ahmad Jamari (left Lt Kol)
- 3712xx PK U Ajmain (left Kapt)
- 371234 PK U Jumali bin Selamat (now Lt Kol)
- 371275 PK U Romlee Yahya (now Kol)
- 37122x PK U Ahmad Razlah (left Kapt)
- 37123x PK U Hashim bin Hamzah (left Kapt)
- 37123x PK U Kamarudin bin Ibrahim (deceased- Mej)
- 371248 PK U Othman Md Jahim -changed to Logistic (left Mej)
- 37124x PK U Othman bin Harun - changed to Logistic (left Mej)
- 371256 PK U Toharudin bin Abd Rasidi -changed to Logistics (now Kol)
- 371258 PK U Zolkeple bin Ayub - changed to Logistic (left Mej)
- 3712xx PK U Alias (left Kapt)
- 37123x PK U Lokman Abd Rahman (left Kapt)
- 371253 PK U Raveenthran a/l Ramankutty (left Kapt)
- 37125x PK U Saib bin Saiin (left Mej)
- 70xxxx PK U Selvaraj a/l Muthu -changed to Logiststic (left Kapt)
- 37121x PK U Abd Rahman bin Mohamed (left Kapt)
- 70xxxx PK U Rajakandan - changed to Logistic (left Mej)
- 371229 PK U Felix Golsalves (now Lt Kol)
- 371269 PK U Khairil Asri bin Baharin (now Lt Kol)
- 3712xx PK U Mohd Rahim bin Ismail (left Kapt)
- 70xxxx PK U Haldin bin Sudin - changed to Admin (deceased- Lt M)
- 371276 PK U Sanusi bin Samion (now Kol)
- 3712xx PK U Mohd Zuki (left Lt M)
- 3712xx PK U Musa bin Ismail (left Lt)
- 3712xx PK U Abd Wahid bin Yusof (left Lt)
- 371242 PK U Mohd Shuairi bin Abdullah - changed to Logistic (now Mej)
- 3712xx PK U Lokman bin Abdullah -changed to Admin (left Mej)
- 371224 PK U Ahmad bin Ali (left Mej)
- 37122x PK U Ahmad Adlan bin Abd Kadir (left Kapt)
- 371232 PK U Hasaza Hanafiah (now Kol)
- 371257 PK U Thien Pian Kong (now Lt Kol)
- 37126x PK U Badrul Hisham (deceased - Lt M)
- 371273 PK U Mohd Asri bin Ismail (now Lt Kol Ir.)
- 371245 PK U Muhammad Suhaimi bin Ashaari (now Kol)
- 371220 PK U Azemi bin Mat Saud (now Lt Kol)
- 37123x PK U Hisham bin Ahmad (deceased- died in road accident, Lt)
- 371274 PK U Mohd Sabri bin Shamsuddin (now Lt Kol)
- 371238 PK U Khairudin bin Mohd Zahari (left Lt Kol)
- 371261 PK U Yohanez bt Ahmad (now Lt Kol)
- 371226 PK U Ahmad Zaini bin Mohd Ali - changed to Logistic during 2Lt (now Lt Kol)
- 37129x PK U S.Hamid bin Yusof (retired Lt Kol)
- 37121x PK U Abd Hamid bin Tan (left Lt)
- 371300 PK U Shafie bin Mohamad Ali (now Lt Kol)
- 3712xx PK U Thamilenty (now Lt Kol).
- 371266 PK U Abd Razak bin Mat (now Lt Kol)
- 3712xx PK U Daud bin Mohd Salleh (left Kapt)
- 3712xx PK U Amin Nodin bin Atan (left Mej)
- 3712xx PK U Mohd Fadzil bin Ahmad (left Kapt)
- 3712xx PK Hardav Singh -left Kapt (converted to Muslim)
- 3712xx PK U Hamdan (left Kapt)
- 371260 PK U Sharkiah binti Temenggung Zenadin Hipney (retired Lt Kol)
- 371267 PK U Abd Razak bin Salim (now Lt Kol)
- PK Aizan bt Idris (MP) -retired Kapt
- PK Asmah bt Baki - Intelligence
- PK Aini bt Hitam - Intelligence (later joined RMAF (Admin) and retired as Major)
- PK Anne Marie - retired Mejar (disable)
- PK Che Gayah - retired Kapt
- PK Hamidah bt Hamidin (Pay) - retired Mej) - now Datin!
- PK Hasnah - retired Kapt
- PK Siti Jameah (Service Corps)- retired Kapt
- PK Marmilah bt Munajat (Service Corps) - retired Mej
- PK Noraini bt Kasim (MP)- retired Kapt
- PK Lolly Messy Joel (Medical Admin) -she converted to Muslim -Noor Sabarina) - now Lt Col
- PK Monica Mathelda Lowe (SC) - retired Kapt(also converted to Muslim)
- PK Sam Fong Seow (Signal)- now Lt Col -(best Cadet -Academic)
- PKU Sharkiah bt Zainudin Hipney (RMAF) -retired Lt Col
- PK Siti Hajar
- PK Siti Zaleha bt Che Rus (GSC) -now Lt Col
- PK Usha Panikkar
- PKU Yohanez bt Ahmad (RMAF) - now Lt Col
- PK Zawiah (married to PK Marzuki)
- PK Rosnani
- PK Rohani

Plucked from the conversation in the S37yahoogroups.

Salam Skots... Yang paling tak dapat aku lupa di Broga ni bila sahabat kita LOD tiba-tiba muncul di Trench aku dengan 4 gulung D10 Cable dengan airmuka yg paling sayu... Rupanya dia kena pasang cable tu untuk line `Set K' ke semua defence position dari bukit ke bukit. Tapi lepas tu, cable tak habis pasang, dah kena withdraw pulaak. Hanya yg keluar dari mulut LOD ketika itu...."Man. ....Ada air tak??" Malangnya aku pun kekeringan ketika itu. Anyway LOD, for that nostalgia, you can have a crate of Coca Cola the next time we see each other (Itu pun kalau kau bagi aku `stroke' OK). from Lt Kol Lod bin Atan actually, ko bukan orang pertama aku mintak air, dah baper bukit aku naik, xsilap aku, takes me more than 6 hr to completed the job .. siap tgh mlm kot.. at least aku tahu hows defence has been laid.. and bn mana yg paling efficient.. kalao x pandai ikut kompas jln tgh mlm mahu aku sesat.. but juz imagine masa withdrawl abandone position b4 midnite n no movement b4 last light... take me another round utk tarik. semula cable. yg xbest nya.. tiap2 position ada password yg lain masa nak enter. asyik kena tahan jer..sabor jer lar.. tgh mlm derang ingat musuh demo nyusup nak curi senjata...bnyk lagi citer aku ble share... masa tu aku angkat tangan kat signal corps and it will b my last priority to join. hahahaha. thanks azman for reminding me. |