The new challenge in my Form 1 was having a new rivals which i did not know at all. The students of STMI were the pool of students from surrounding primary schools within the area of Mukim 10 and Mukim 11 such as SK Seri Rejo Sari, SK Parit Kemang, SK Seri Timbul, SK Seri Pulih, SK Seri Kemajuan, SK Kampung Baru, SK Parit Kadir and SK Seri Perpat. The students were living as far as 15km from the school. Each school had its own 'second class HERO'. Why 2nd class? The first category of best students (very rare species for 'sekolah kampong') were normally had been picked up to go full resident school (boarding school) such as SAS, STAR, SDAR, KTK, SMPKA or RMC.

"Cetusan asal hendak mewujudkan sebuah sekolah menengah di Kampung Parit Saidi, telah bermula sejak beberapa tahun sebelum 1965. Ianya berpunca daripada kesusahan ibubapa yang pada setiap awal tahun terpaksa menghantar anak-anak mereka yang baru memasuki Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Rejo Sari yang jauhnya kira-kira 6 km dengan terpaksa menempuh jalan yang becak.
Satu Jawatankuasa penaja yang ditubuhkan oleh Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Parit Saidi telah meminta kerjasama daripada kampung-kampung yang berhampiran. Jawatan yang dipengerusikan oleh Allahyarham En.Dasuki bin Kodali telah melantik beberapa orang ahli jawatankuasa mewakili kampung-kampung berhampiran. Tugas utama AJK ialah membuat permohonan dan mengusahakan satu tapak yang sesuai di Parit Saidi.
Dua orang adik-beradik Tuan Haji Kormin Haji Noor dan Encik Paat Haji Noor telah menawarkan sebidang tanah dengan harga yang berpatutan. Jawatankuasa telah memutuskan untuk berikhtiar mencari wang melalui pungutan derma dan malam amal.Permohonan yang dikemukakan kepada pihak Pejabat Pendidikan Batu Pahat telah diluluskan dengan peruntukan dua bilik darjah dengan status sebagai sekolah cawangan Seri Rejo Sari. AJK telah diarahkan menyediakan pelan tapak untuk di kemukakan ke Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri
Projek pembangunan ini tertangguh akibat tercetusnya Konfrantasi oleh Indonesia dan diteruskan sebaik sahaja Konfrantasi tamat pada awal 1965. Kementerian Pendidikan telah meluluskan peruntukan membina sebuah sekolah menengah. Pada awal tahun 1965 pelajar-pelajar terpaksa menumpang di dua buah sekolah kebangsaan iaitu SRK Parit Kemang dan SRK Kampung Baru. Pada 1 Februari 1968 nama sekolah ini telah ditukar nama daripada Sekolah Menengah Rendah Parit Saidi kepada Sekolah Menengah Tunku Mahmood Iskandar. Pada hari Jumaat, 25 September 1981, sekolah ini telah dirasmikan oleh YB Dato' Haji Suhaimi bin Dato' Kamarudin selaku Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu"
Nama sekolah adalah diambil sempena dari nama Raja Muda Johor pada masa itu.
Senarai Guru Besar (Pengetua) STMI
- Encik Kamar bin Sahar (1965 - 1969)
- Tuan Siekh Abdullah Abd Rahman (1969 - 1971)
- Tuan Siekh Muhammd bin Ali (1971 - 1972)
- Encik Rashidi bin Hj Abd Rahman (1972 - 1979)
- Encik Mohd Jais bin Marzuki (1979 - 1988)
- Encik Jaafar bin Taib (1988 - 1991)
- Tuan Hj Mohd Senin bin Hussin (1991 - 1993)
- Tuan Syed Abdullah Al Jabari (1993 - 1997)
- Encik Karnain bin Zakaria (1997 - 1998)
- Encik Abu Bakar Sidek bin Kasbi (1999 - xx
- ....
- ....
- ....
- Encik Muhammad bin Hasyim ( -2010)
Ketua Pengawas STMI
1969 - Saadon Samadi (graduan ITM -Diploma in Banking)
1970 - Mohd Ali bin Omar (graduan UPM - meninggal dunia)
1971 - Marji bin Saim (graduan PUO dan USM)
1972 - Zamri bin Sabran - tiada maklumat mengenai beliau
1973 - Zakaria bin Yunus - tiada maklumat mengenai beliau
1974 - Khamim bin Abd Rashid (graduan PUO/UTM) - TNB
1975 - Salihin bin Shuib -guru Maktab
1976 - Toharudin Abd Rasid (graduan UiTM dan UKM) - TUDM
1977 - Jamaludin bin Tamjis- Guru Agama
1978 - Jalal bin Mahat - tiada maklumat mengenai beliau
1979 - tiada maklumat
1980 - tiada maklumat
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
MY TOUR IN STMI : 1972-76
Since its opening in 1965, STMI only offered a secondary school studies up to Form 5. There were two streams or specialisations for the newly reporting Form One students, Industrial Arts or 'Perusahaan (P)' and Agricultural Science or 'Pertanian (T)'. Everybody must gone through these streams untuk SRP level. After the SRP examination, the students had only single choice for their Form 4 and 5 in this school, it was Arts Stream (Aliran Sastera). Other than the excellent students who got the offer to go to Boarding School, those who opted for Science Stream they have to go to Sekolah Dato Bentara Luar (SDBL), Batu Pahat. Or, if they obtained a good results and interested to apply, they could apply Technical School. At that time, Vocational School was established for the SRP holders who obtained 'unfavourable result' such as getting aggregate above A24 or Grade B.
Initially the Form One for my batch was divided into four classes, 3 classes for P (1P1, 1P2 and 1P3 and one T class (1T1). However, after some negotiation (to make it balance), 1P3 was converted into 1T2. I was in 1P1. That was the biggest intake of Form One since STMI was established (up to that year).
My classteacher was Cikgu Zauliah Ramli (she also taught Hisab and Sains), English (En Zainal bin Kamsul- he liked to say "orang kampong betulllll" these words normally directed to those were making silly mistake) Seni Perusahaan (Cikgu Ahmad Dariri Kasim (new teacher), BM & I/Alam (Cikgu Saim Selamat), Sejarah (Cikgu Uiop Kassim -also new graduate teacher), Lukisan (Hamzah), Pengetahuan A/Islam (Ustaz Sulaiman Abdullah).
- Bahasa Malaysia - C4
- Bahasa Inggeris - C3
- Sejarah (Tawarikh) - A2
- Ilmu Alam - A1
- Ilmu Hisab Moden - C3
- Rampaian Sains - C3
- Seni Perusahaan - C4
- Lukisan - A2

Front row: Ajmain Aslar, Boimin Abd Kadir, Sarmini Kayin, Rosmah Dikon, Jainuddin Mohayat and Kamisan Suja'.2nd row: Rosesidah Roslan, Junainah Yassin, Abd Halim Sulaiman, Me and S.Maskiah Sumadi.3rd row: Saadon Wagiman, Ahmad Kamit, Rosnah Baai and Muntiah Taib.4th row: Ayub Misman, Rayain Sapuan, Md Khir Sarikin and Md Adil Shukor. Last row: Adham Sulaiman and Shariff Sayadi.

Jamsiah Tarmidi, Sunarti Karim, Abd Rahman Mokhtar, Rayain Sapuan, Amir Agos, Md Jasa Siraj, ME, Md Shah Kosnan, Jamsari, Zainal Arifin Sukami, Shariff Sayadi, Zainal Abidin Sukeni, Kamarudin Kasim, Norman Sawawi, Ishak Bon, Razali Basir, Kamisan Sujak, Salbiah Sulaiman and Junainah Yasin.
From two photos above, you can see, in 1974, for women at 15 to 17, not covering their 'aurat' was something normal. Even the woman teachers!!!
After my 'SRP', I was offered to go to Form 4 Science Stream at Sekolah Dato Bentara Luar (SDBL). As i mentioned earlier, I did not like Science subject. I lost my interest in Science when I was in Form One and Two. Eventhough I obtained Credit 3 in my SRP, I refused to go to Science Stream.
All of the four above performed very successful in their SPM. Zalila went to UM for matriculation, Kamisan, Jainuddin and Rahman went to UTM Jalan Gurney. I met them in UTM, Kamisan was in the same Architecture course with me, Jainuddin did his degree in Electrical Engineering, and Rahman did his degree in Petroleum Engineering. Unfortunately, Rahman was having 'psycho' problem and dropped from the course in his second year (1979). Based on the conversation with 'trusted' friends, I 'think', Rahman was so ambitious to be a best student in his course, and his 'mental capability' could not catch and keep abreast with his need. I was informed that he situation still like that until today. Alas....
WHILE waiting my SRP result, I did work with the my Chinaman neighbour (Tee Ter @ Ah Ter) as a construction worker. My pay was RM5 per day. Ah Ter was normally get a sub-contracting jobs from the Malay contractor. Most of our work sites were in Pontian District. Some of the construction works that had my hand were 'pump well' at Klinik Parit Selangor, sea wall at bandar Pontian, Pasar Pekan Nanas, Tok Kong China at Kayu Ara Pasong and many more. Good experience working under the sun hotness!
As I mentioned earlier, for the Form 4 in STMI we did not have choices, only Arts Stream. I received the offer to go for Science Stream at SDBL, Batu Pahat but refused to go. So, I retained in STMI. Leave me as the best student in the school then. Hahaha. We had 2 classes of Form 4 (A and B).
My classteacher and he also taught English and History was EncikUiop bin Kasim (his English class did not follow the syllabus. In order to improve our English proficiency he introduced English Literature, using story books title ' The Three Musketeers'....

Kesusasteraan Melayu: Puan Zakiah Shuib .... mendalami novel Tulang-tulang Berserakan (karya Usman Awang)
Hisab Moden/Sains Am: Puan Zauliah Ramli
Bahasa Melayu: Encik Asnawi Asmuni (almarhum)
Geografi: Encik Osman Kosmin
Pendidikan Islam: Ustaz Sulaiman bin Abdullah.
Seni Lukis: Encik Hamzah bin Hj Selak

(satu-satunya guru graduan di STMI sebelum tahun 1974)

Mid row from left: Azizah, Rosminah Rasol, Faridah Nurulhadi, Fatimah Baai (Maktab Perguruan), Siti Halimi Mansor, Siti Masamah Salikin, xx, Junainah Yasin, xx, Ngatijah Miskam (Maktab Perguruan), Norhayati Tumpang (Bidan) and Misnah Taibon.
Back row from left: Saat Dimon, Muntaha, Ayub Misman, Nordin Omar (Politeknik U.Omar- Elect) , Rubaai Mansor, Kamdani Salleh (Maktab Perguruan), Yasman Tamsir, Ramlan Rosman (bersara Tentera (PWI), Razali Basir, Md Adil Shukor (Maktab Perguruan), Abdul Halim Sulaiman (UKM- Pengetua SMAKPilah), Norman Dimin, Md Ali Jaimon and Roslan Karnadis.
In Form 4, I continued active taking part in school activities. Besides very active in Scouts, continue the job as Prefect, I was also elected as a Secretary of Persatuan Pengakap, Secretary for Sport 'Rumah Tun Sri Lanang' (Green), Secretary of Persatuan Agama Islam and Deputy Head of Asst Librarian.
This year also, we had the opportunity to participate in the Johore Scouts Jamboree at Kem Sekakap, Mersing. For the Scouts, Jamboree is a great thing and a proud to participate in it. In this jamboree, we met a lot of friends from various places. We performed various activities in two year (75/76) to raise our fund with the objective to participate in National Jamboree in Kuching in 1977. Some of the activities were film show at school padang, selling T-Shirt, opening food stalls etc. However, in 1977 I was in UTM, so unable to take part. Jamaludin Tamjis was lucky to have that opportunity. Admired with his story....he managed to have many adik angkat from Sarawak.
1976- Tingkatan 5A

My Form 4 Teachers
From left: Cikgu Zauliah, Cikgu Osman, Cikgu Uiop, Cikgu Rashidi, Ustaz Sulaiman, Cikgu Hamzah, Cikgu Asmawi (deceased) and Cikgu Zakiah.
Hisab Moden: Puan Zauliah Ramli - she taught me start from Form 2 till Fm 5. F2- Math, Fm 3-Sc, F4 & F5 -Math)
Sains Am: Encik Abu Hassan Mazli Abd Karim (almarhum- semoga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atas roh beliau)- the late cikgu Abu was a tall and handsome guy, with moustache......
Geografi: Puan Rubiah Badri (based on the website, she was the Principal of SM Taman Tun Aminah, JB (1998-2001). Very nice and softspoken teacher. My school was her first school upon her graduation from UM. emmm anything special about her? she liked to wear kebaya... the best view was when she bowed infront of my table to check my work. I would ogle at her cleavage. Eemm... what do you expect from 17 years old boy? Not sure either she intentionally did it or not. I am not sure what about my other friends thinking at that time. We never talked about this matter. Where is she now? I think she is retired. Hemmmm..I hope she do not read my blog....Maafkan saya, zahir dan batin CIKGU.
My teacher for subject 'Sivik' was Cikgu Md Yasin Kamari (almarhum). He was an orator, later he became fulltime politician, elected as a State Legislative Member of Johor (Parit Raja) and Member of Parliament (Seri Gading), appointed as Political Secretary to Minister of Judiciary and his highest achievement before his death (1991) was the Deputy Minister of Rural Development (1989). His body was rested at Masjid Pt Haji Ali. (Semoga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atas roh almarhum).
This year i represented my school in various sector of English Competition, such as Story Telling Competition at SMK Senggarang, Debate (SM Tun Aminah) Quiz at SMK Semerah (Champion for District Level)- BRAVO! (my other team members was Kamdani and Yasman) beat the high profile Malay Medium schools such as Sek Tun Aminah and SDBL.
This year, being a Head Prefect, I reduced a lot of my commitment in co-curriculum activities. I played inactive role in Library, elected as the President of Islamic Society and maintained active in Scout Movement. In fact, I obtained my 'Sijil Pengakap Raja' this year. The first batch of Pengakap Raja (King's Scouts) in our school. BRAVOOOO
- Bahasa Malaysia - C3
- Kesusasteraan melayu - A2
- Pengetahuan Islam - A2
- Sejarah - C4
- Ilmu Alam - A2
- Inggeris Khas - P7
- Rampaian Sains - C4
- Seni Lukis - A2

Stdg from left: Rubai Mansor, Kaltom Misri, Shamsiah Shukor (my cousin), Faridah Munafaat, Kamisah Kasmuni, Fauziah and Suwandi.
Sijil Penghargaan- Ketua Pengawas
...kesian, abis berkarat sijil ni... simpan dalam fail... kena air
Special notes
1. My Senilukis and Pengakap Teacher, Cikgu Hamzah Hj Selak was my closest teacher. His wife, Kak Amanah was also very nice. After I left my school until now, I maintain my relationship with him. Every Hari Raya i will make an attempt to visit his family (he is staying in Parit Kemang).
2. In my school activities, Boy Scouts was my first priority. I did not know why, this time my father keep silence when i decided to joing Scouts. May be, I am big enough to go for outing activities. I passed my Tenderfoot Class in Form 1 and my First Class in Form 2. My highest achievement in Scouts activities was 'Pengakap Raja' (King Scout). I passed the test in 1976.
As a Scout member you must memorize the "Ikrar Pengakap", "10 Undang-undang Pengakap" and "Riwayat Hidup Lord Baden Powell" (the founder of the Scouts Movement). He visited Tanah Melayu in 1934. (picture below are Lord Baden Powell, camping activities and 'King Scout Badge')
3. My best friend in Secondary School was Abdul Halim Sulaiman. His father was a religious teacher (on contract) in Brunei Darussalam. He was staying in Parit Kadir with his uncle. After SPM he went for Lower Six at SDBL and later he went to UKM for his degree. I met him first after my SPM was in Kuantan (sometimes 1985/86). He was teaching at ADABI School.
Later he quit teaching and joined Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (JAINS). He is now one Pengetua Sek Men Agama Kuala Pilah, Johol.

Lagu Mat Tenderfoot
Mat Tenderfoot malas berkerja
Duduk dirumah nak makan saja
Dia bedal apa yang ada
Tinggi perut dari dada
Mak mati, pak pun bujang
Mat Tenderfoot pulang bertandang
Duduk di rumah tergolek terlentang
Orang malas mati terbongkang

Camporee at Tg Laboh
Stdg from left: Ali Jaimon, me (carry flag), Mazlan Tarip, Jamaludin Tamjis, Shariff Rosman, Nordin Omar, xx, Halim Sulaiman and xx.
Squatting from left: Masrokin Kormin, xx, Khir Sarikin, Jasni Mughari (now Lt Kol in Artilerry Corps-he wasmy senior in OCS),xx and xx. (xx- couldnt remember)
Achalu li man avodah, Avodah
Avodah li man achalu, Achalu
Actually, I did get the profit from that business. My canteen was broken down by the thiefs twice. I lost some cash and items.
Jamaludin, me, Faridah Munafaat and Faridah Noralhadi
After getting my SPM result, I stopped my business and I heard, I was taken over by the old operator. Anyway, that 3 months exposed me with a lot of experience.
Waktu di sekolah menengah, antara hari yang aku tunggu saban tahun ialah HARI GURU. Biasa murid sekolah ni suka hari CUTI UMUM. Aku tak suka cuti sekolah kerana, bilacuti aku kena pergi bagi makan nyamuk... kene ke kebun. Pagi-pagi kene menoreh, siap mesin getah dah dekat jam 12 tengahari. Kalau hujan, tak leh noreh kena tebas rumpun/semak (orang Jawa kata mancah).
17 April 2010- received a message from Nurhuda binti Abu Hassan Mazli. She is the daughter to Almarhum Cikgu Hj Abu Hasan Mazli bin Abd Karim, my Science teacher in Form 5 (1976).
The thing start with, I typed his name to find his picture. I am now tracing all my former teachers for my blog. I found Nurhuda's name and message her to confirm either she is the daughter of almarhum. The answer is right. TQ Huda.

I sat my SPM in 1976 and scored Grade 1 with 16 Aggregate. Again, proudly I came up as a Best Student for that year. For your info, since my school (STMI) established in 1969, the the First Grader achiever only appeared in 1973 . And my Year (1976) produced the biggest number of 1st Grader, that was 6. Eurika!. Myself, Kamdani Salleh (my kampongmate and studymate), Yasman Tamsir, Ahmad Noh Jeni, Mohd Adil Shukor and Ngatijah Miskam. Before that, between 1-3 only.
(Note: Kamdani is now a teaching in my primary school (SK Seri Rejo Sari), Yasman (lost contact, he married to Fatimah Jamil also my classmate in Form 3), Ahmad Noh Jeni (grad UM, now Kedah BSN Manager), Mohd Adil and Ngatijah lost contact. However i found out from internet that Ngatijah is working as a teacher in SK Parit Raja (DG A32).
Those who qualified to further to Form Six went to Sek Dato Bentara Luar (SDBL). So, I also reported there for my Lower Six. However my stay in SDBL took only one month. Myself, Kamdani and Ahmad Noh were selected for Lower Six at Sekolah Alam Shah SAS), Cheras.
We will get back again in my topic in Alam Shah and Universiti of Technology, Malaysia.