Also known as Johor-Riau Malay and originally spoken in Johor, Riau, Malacca and Singapore, has been adopted as the basis for both the Malaysian and Indonesian national languages, Malay and Indonesian respectively. Due to Johor's location at the confluence of trade routes within and without the Malays Archipelago, as well as the former economic might and influence of Malacca and Johor, the dialect spread as the region's 'lingua france' since the 15th century; hence the adoption of the dialect as the basis for the national languages. And, we, JOHOREANS proud of it.
1. They end 9 out of 10 sentences with Ekkk...
Ekk is trademark of the Johorean. This word 'ekk' uses at the end of each conversation sentence, normally in tems of question amark?.Eg: "Ni awak punyer ekk?", "Nama awak saper ekk?", "Kenapa kite kaler tak cantik macam awak ekk?", "Ini gambo adik awak ekk?" and 'macam-macam 'ekk' lagi. ek ek ekkkkkkkkk...
So, please observe your friends when they are talking to you. If he/she uses so many word 'ekk' ...comfirmed 'Orang Johor".
2. The Johorean refers 'bandar Johor Bahru' as 'Johor' and not JB.
If your friends (stay outside from Johor Bahru) said that "tomorrow we all want to go to Johor to visit your uncle" it means they want to go to Johor Bahru (JB), the city not 'Johor', the state. Eg; Eh, Beb, esok pagi gua nak turun Johor laa. Lu nak ikut tak?....
So, if you are already in Johor, regardless in which district, and you hear the locals said they want to go to Johor, please do not ever to counter them with the question or joke, "Eh, kan sekarang kita dah ada kat Johor?" and worse enough, do not try to 'memandai-mandai' to add word 'ekk' in with that question unnecessary. "Eh, kan kita dah ada kat Johor ekk?"
3. They pronounce Muar as 'MUO' by pouting your lips (kena juih bibir)
In fact the Johoreans pronounce everything that ends with "AR" as "O". .... eg: 'keluo', 'ulo', 'seluo', 'tiko', 'beso', 'selipo' and 'beluko'. Eg : "Suruh keje mengulo je, kata nak pegi bando Muo kejap je, tapi keluo pagi balik lepas Aso. Kena marah terketo-keto, memang nak kene penampo dia ni"
4. Most Johoreans are brash with a CRAZY sense of humour.
Very difficult to meet a Johorean that really serious and couldn't take a joke. Eventhough they are reserve or a quiet person but their sense of humour are OK. Almost all of them are either 'kelako', loyo buruk' or 'bigo'*. The sense of humour is unique that sometimes we find thet the outsider (non-Johorean) afraid with the brashness of the Johorean.
(*'bigo' is not the word from 'bigar' but it mean 'bodoh-bodoh dan gila-gila' sikit).
If you watch Majalah 3 (TV3), you can see how Tunku Yem (nickname for Tunku Mahkota Johor, Tunku Ibrahim Ismail) was talking about his son (Tunku Ismail Ibrahim) doing the army cadet training in Dehra Dun (India). Haha.... that is exactly the Johorean is.
5. Kecik-kecik dah "BERENDUT!" dengan budak BEGETAH!.
'Endut' mean 'lover' or 'buah hati' or 'kekasih', and 'berendut' mean sedang berkasih' or in couple.
Eg: "Haa...kau dah ada endut ekk? Kau pergi berendut kat mana ekk? Tu la ko, orang berendut ko pun nak berendut jugak".
'Bergetah' or 'begetah' means sticky refers to pretty or attractive gals. 'Budak tu begetah ekkk" means 'that girl is pretty/beautiful and attractive" atau... "eeee...makcik tu dah umo 50 tapi masih begetah ekkk!"
6. Johor Specialty: 'Sagun' and 'Botok' (not Botox).
Today, very difficult to find 'sagun'. However if you go to Ayer Hitam or some of the 'PLUS R & R', you may find it. 'Sagun' is one type of light food made from the mixture of grated coconut, flour, and sugar. Packed in the plastic or scrolled paper. One rule to be followed when you eat 'sagun' is don't talk while eating, otherwise the 'sagun' will be spurted to the face infront of you!. See picture below for how sagun looks like and how to eat it.

'Botok' or 'botok-botok' is another famous traditional food of Johorean. Brought over here by 'Javanese immigrant'. This food is good for those who concern about nutritous food because the ingredients consist of various type of herbs such as chillies, shallots, turmeric leaves, lemon grass, and mengkudu leaves. The main ingredient is fish (spanish mackerel) and grated coconut white flesh. This mixtures will be wrapped with banana leaves or 'daun mengkudu' steam. The longer you steam, will be more delicious. (see pictures below)

Because of the proximity in location between Johore (especially JB) and modern Singapore, most probably the western culture (yellow n blues) penetrated Malaysia through Johore. Many 'Mat Saleh' live in Singapore doing business. If you read the history of Johore, Sultan of Johore was the first Sultan from Malay States married to 'Mat Saleh'. Almost all Sultan of Johore married to 'Mat Saleh'. Our almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar, almarhum Sultan Ibrahim, almarhum Sultan Ismail and the present Sultan iskandar married 'Mat Saleh'. The mother of present Tunku Mahkota Johor is also Mat Saleh'.

So, no wonder most of the Rock Groups in Malaysia are originated from to Johore. Top rockers like Amy Search, Zainal Abidin, Tam Spider, Hurricane, Crossfire and Nash Lefthanded are Johorean. Even 'Kumpulan Lawak Sepah' is also Rock! Dato' Shake??? Is my theory applicable?

one of his wives was Cecilia Catherina Lange (Che Puan Zubaidah), a Danish

two of his wives was Lady Helen Bartholomew (Sultana Helen), a British and
Lady Marcella Mendl (Sultana Marcela @ Fawziah), a Romanian
8. Wedding Festival/'Kenduri' and 'Telur Pindang'
'Telur pindang' or herb boilled egg' is another specialty of Johorean. Telur pindang ialah telur ayam yang direbus dengan segala macam rempah dan dedaun untuk mendapatkan that special taste. Lepas rebus, telur akan berwarna cokelat. Both kulit dan isi. I don't like to eat telur pindang, so I cannot to describe the taste. Normally orang buat telur pindang ni for special occasion, seperti majlis perkahwinan. Zaman dulu-dulu, you can tell the social class of the tuan rumah - normally orang kaya-kaya jer buat telur pindang ni sebab ianya rumit dan makan masa berjam-jam therefore menggunakan kos yang tinggi.
9. Keep Your Clothes in the 'GEROBOK'.
Johorean do not use word 'almari' for wardrobe. We called it GEROBOK or GOBOK. But not GUBOK (pondok rehat di kebun-kebun). 'Gerobok' is special to keep folded clothes. Eg: "Pegi simpan baju ni dalam gerobok mak!
10. Johorean Don't Watch TV Malaysia.
This character is mere to people from Johor Bahru, Kulai, Kota Tinggi and Pontian. They never watch RTM/TV3 for imported programmes. Semua dah ketinggalan zaman. TV Singapurer dah tunjuk lamer daaaaa.....
11. Epok-epok andonde-onde.
Before leaving Johore in 1977, i did not know what is 'karipap' or curry pup. In Johore it is known as 'epok-epok'. And also 'buah melaka' or sometimes people called it 'kueh bom'. When i was small, i called it 'onde-onde'.

Curry-puff (karipap) is one of the famous traditional food in Malaysia. Ia terdapat dalam pelbagai perasa, bergantung kepada inti di dalamnya. Bahan utama inti karipap ialah daging, ubi kentang or sardin. Ubi kentang sering digunakan sebagai inti karipap selain inti ubi keledek. Jenis-jenis karipap bergantung kepada intinya. Bahan utama yang digunakan sebagai bahan perasa ialah serbuk kari. Selain itu inti karipap juga kini menggunakan lada hitam. Terdapat beberapa jenis antaranya karipap daging, karipap ayam, temosa (karipap ikan), karipap sardin dan karipap pusing.
In Johor, 'karipap' is known as epok-epok. In English it is called 'curry puff', tetapi bezanya ialah bentuk curry puff tidak semestinya seperti karipap. Perhaps, in terms of baking curry puff and 'karipap' is also different. Baking process of 'karipap' skin need the sound skill to fold the pattern or in bahasa Melayu 'kelim'.I am not sure, which one isolder 'karipap or 'curry puff'.
Onde-Onde is one of the traditional kuih in Malaysia. They are either made from sweet potato or glutinous rice flour.
The cute little onde-onde (or also spelled as ondeh-obdeh/ are infused with pandan (screwpine leaf) juice and filled with 'gula melaka' or palm sugar and then rolled in with some fresh grated coconut. The palm sugar that’s in it literally bursts in your mouth when you take a bite. They are sweet and delicious.

I have been in Bandung before but I can't find this mee recipe down there. The Indonesian do not like eat mee. This mee (noodle) is famous in Johore, especially the west coast districts. How 'Mee Bandung Muar' became so famous, I do not now. But if you wanna try, please go to Warung Mee Bandung pak Abu Bakar, at Jalan Abdullah, Muar. Taste and enjoy it.

Otak-otak is a fish cake, can be found throughout Malaysia, but the popular 'otak-otak' among the Malaysian can be find in Muar or Kluang, Johor. 'Otak' means brains, and the name of this dish is derived from the idea that the dish somewhat resembles brains, being on the soft and squishy side. It can be eaten as a snack oe with bread or rice as part of a meal.

The common 'lontong' (you find in KL) is actually 'nasi empet' (pressed rice) but the shape 'lontong Johor' is cylinder like 'lemang' but it wrapped by banana leaves (not bamboo). This 'lontong' wiil only be found during Hari Raya (Syawal) only (not everyday in any 'warung' or canteen which normally sell for breakfast). 'Lontong Daun Pisang' is an alternative to 'ketupat' and 'lemang' (lemamng is not familiar for Johorean). The 'kuah' for this lontong are 'kuah lodeh' and 'sambal satay' or 'rendang daging' or 'sambal tumis'.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing i would like to tell you is, this lontong is

Halwa Maskat

Laksa Johor
After Raya 2009, one of my friends read my blog and called me, she (she is Trengganuan) said in Johore there is one more famous food namely; Nasi Penyet.... (penyet is Javanese word mean 'deflated caused by strong hit'). She 'sms' me the picture of 'nasi penyet'. Aku orang Johor pun tak pernah merasa nasik penyet niiih....., tapi aku rasa ni, makanan baru yang dibawa masuk oleh pendatang-pendatang Indonesia nii.... ye la, sekarang kat ramai orang Indon kat sini...tu yang ada bakso, gado-gado dan lain-lain tuuu...