"4 Years in Treasury"
There is one appointment for the RMAF Officer in Bahagian Pengurusan Perolehan (BPPK), Ministry of Finance (Treasury). The title is 'Pegawai Khas Tentera Udara (PKTU). This appointment was established in 1994. Initially the role of PKTU is to be a liaison officer for MINDEF (air force matter) in Treasury. In BPPK, PKTU is answerable to 'KPSU (KK)' under 'TSB (Bekalan)' under 'SBPK' (see acronyms below). Basically the main responsibility of PKTU is to manage all the procurement requirements for assets and services related to aircraft. PKTU not only handling RMAF matters but also looking after requirement from Army Aviation, Naval Air Wing, Police Air Wing, JBPM Air Wing and others.
The holders of PKTU appointment since it was established were:
The holders of PKTU appointment since it was established were:
- Mej Zulkifli bin Ahmad TUDM (1994 -1996) - retired Lt Kol in 2009.
- Mej Kabul bin Surat TUDM (1997-1999) - retired Mejar in 2006 and now serves as CEO of Satang Jaya Sdn Bhd
- Mej Toharudin bin Abd Rasid TUDM (2000 -2004)
- Mej Noor Azmi bin Abd Rahman (2004-2005)
- Mej Faizul bin Ismail TUDM (2005-2007)
- Mej Kahar bin Kasim TUDM (2007-2008)
- Mej Mazlizan bin Buang TUDM (2008 - now)
So far, I am the longest serving PKTU (27 Dis 1999 till 31 Jan 2004). I reported to BPPK immediately after my graduation from MTAT. Iniatialy i felt dissappointed to be posted here because before attending my staff college I was holding SO1 appointment. However after couple of months here, I felt so proud and 'honoured' to be selected to work in Treasury.
My KPSU was En Abd Ghaffar A.Tambi (now Datuk, TKSU in Ministry of Tourism- picture below), then En Ghani Talib (working with Satang Jaya after his retirement) and before i get posted out my KPSU was En Shukor Ibrahim (now JUSA C in ePero).
Initially Section (KK) was under TSB (Kerja), Tuan Hj Mohd Shamsuddin bin Mohd Salleh. But under 2002 reshuffle, Section (KK) was moved to work under TSB (Bekalan) ; Datin Hajjah Safiah Basrah (later Dato') and my last TSB was Tuan Hj Awang Seman.
My SBPK when I reported in early 2000 was Puan Hajjah Kamariah Hussin (later Dato and retired as Setiausaha Bahagian Cukai) and the succeeded by Hajjah Kamesah Abu Bakar (later Dato - also known as Iron lady of Traesury)- see pictures below). The character of this two ladies was opposite. Dato' Hjh Kamariah was very motherly, soft spoken and very tactful whilst Dato' Hjh Kamesah was very tough, aggressive and blunt also very firm in making decision.

(my SBPK from 2000-2002, very motherly boss and soft-spoken. She was expert in 'Taxation'- head the Tax Division prior to her retirement. Became 'Tax Advisor or MOF' after her retirement and latest, I read NST (11/2/2010) she is the Chairman of Government Tax Review Panel).
I was also one of the PIONEER group of Treasury staff moved to newly completed Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan, Presint 2, Putrajaya. We moved from Kompleks Kerajaan Jalan Duta somewhere in September 2002. The new complex in Putrajaya was very amazing. Beautiful design and also surrounded by beautiful scenery such as Jambatan Gemilang, PJ Holding, PJ lake, Istana Selangor, Perdana Putra, Masjid Putra, Wisma Putra and other ministries building toward the PCC.
Another interesting story in Treasury was telling about our Sec-Gen of Treasury or 'KSP'. I worked under two KSP, Tan Sri Othman Rijal and Tan Sri Samsudin bin Hitam (selalu orang sebut sebagai Sam Black).

new Treasury Complex in Putrajaya

- BPPK (Bahagian Pengurusan Perolehan Kerajaan)
- SBPK (Setia Usaha Bahagian Perolehan Kerajaan)
- TSB(K) (Timbalan SBPK - Kerja)
- TSB(B) (Timbalan SBPK -Bekalan)
- KPSU(KK) (Ketua Penolong Setia Usaha - Kapal & Kapalterbang)
Throughout my 4 years tenure in Treasury I got the chances to go for overseas trip for 4 times:
- Progress Review Meeting for Super Lynx Helicopter in Yeovil, UK (2000)- together with Datuk Ahmad Pharmy (TKSU MINDEF), FAdm Datuk Radzi RMN, and Capt Ayop RMN. In UK, I met and get to know closer with Cdr Khairudin Khalid RMN (now FAdm Datuk), Kdr Mohd Adib RMN (now Capt), Lt Cdr Aziz and Lt Cdr Fadzil.All from RMN Helicopter Project Team)
- Upgrading of Global Express aircraft in Tucson, USA (2001). among in the group were Mej Dzul (MTU-P&P), En Fakharuddin (KPSU), Mej Salleh (2 Sqn) and Mej Shafiq Khee. We flew back with Global Express aircraft via Barcelona and Maldive.
- Acceptance of green aircraft for Global Express 9096 in Toronto, Canada (2001)- together Brig Jen Datuk Bakar, Mej Dzul, Mej Shafiq......
- Progress review Meeting for A109E helicopter JBPM in Milan, Italy (2002). The group consist of En Hamdan (JBPM), Mej Shabre, Kapt Khairudin and one engineer from Aviation Unit JBPM.
To show how big is our office in Putrajaya. The 'kenduri doa selamat' which normally organised in 'Surau' can be done at the lobby in front of our offices.
Invaluable Experiences
- Working directly under the command of 'Pegawai Tadbir Diplomatik (PTD)' and surrounded by civilian staff was very rare opportunity experienced by a military officers. One may have a chance to work in BKN (under JPM) or work as DA or ADA in Malaysian Embassies abroad. However, working experience in Treasury was something different. There are 3 MAF officers in Treasury, one each from the Army, Navy and RMAF. There is no permanent or established appointment for Armed Forces Officers in Treasury. Our presence here is based on attachement (not secondment). We use MINDEF establishment and our salary were paid by MINDEF. Except sometimes between 1996 till 2002 where tow RMN officers (Capt/Cdr) were placed there based on secondment. In 2002, that appointment (J2) were abolished. The RMN and RMAF officers were working under the one 'KPSU' who look after the procurement of Railway, Aviation and Maritime system. Whilst the Army officer is w